Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Family Assignment Board


This is a fun craft for the whole family! Even the youngest child can help pick out their own personalized name tag. This is also versatile, although we made one for F.H.E., it can be easily adapted to a chore chart or any other alternating responsibility board.


  1. unpainted wooden board- easy find at the craft stores in your area, there are many styles and sizes, choose according to the size of you family or number of items you want it to have on it
  2. pegs- this is a personal style preference, (my hubby picked out the ones you see in the picture and wanted them upside down). There are many options at craft stores; don't feel  like you have to stick with wood, I have seen it with nails, etc.
  3. Screws- to attach the pegs (may not need these if you are doing nails)
  4. Spray Paint- color and texture according to preference (we chose brown with different color speckles)
  5. Paint Pen- to write the various assignments on the board (I did mine free hand, but you may also use a stencil instead) There are various size tips in the pens, I bought a fine point and medium point, since I had large and small words.
  6. Individualized wooden pictures- also found at any craft store, you can even get them unpainted and paint them yourselves. (have everyone choose one for themselves that matches their personality or likes)
  7. Yarn, twine, or ribbon- for hanging the wooden pieces
  8. Drill- to make a hole in each wood piece to string the yarn through.


  1. Spray paint board and pegs separately and let dry according to directions on can.
  2. Once dry, screw the pegs to the board, try to evenly space them using a ruler and pencil to mark on the board.
  3. Using paint pen, write words (Family Home Evening, or Family Chore Chart) whatever you come up with! Also write the smaller assignments, mine says “prayer, song, lesson, activity and treat”. Don't forget to write the names on the individual pendants too. The tricky part of this step is evenly spacing the letters and words. Since I was doing mine free-hand, I practiced on paper first.
  4. Drill holes in each wooden piece, sting yarn, twine, etc. through the hole and hang over each peg.

Easy peasy! You have a family assignment board, the kids love to change their name to the next spot when its time, and it makes doing work a little more fun! I hope you enjoy.


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