Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Quilt Scrap Dress--Sew-vivor Entry!

So I bumped into a new-to-me blog that is having an AWESOME sewing competition!! Its called "Sew-vivor" from the Family Ever After blog..(you can read about the contest here). What I love about this contest is that its just sewing, (which is really the only crafting I'm good at!!), and she has gotten incredible sponsors. Also, even if you aren't entering, she's having a giveaway a week during the competition, so check that out!! One ends today!! I'm entering my Quilt Scrap Dress...and I have my fingers crossed!!! Wish me luck!!

The Story: So, I was making my daughter a quilt for her 3rd birthday, (you can check it out HERE if you want), and I had a bunch of leftovers that were just too cute to throw away. I started racking my brain for what I could do with them..and then it hit me! I could use my leftovers to create "fabric" for a dress to match the birthday quilt. My 3 yr old will love it, I will love it, and I won't have to just throw the scraps away! So, after some configuring, here's what I came up with.

(Couldn't coax any smiles out, she was little nervous about her debut..)

What I love about this dress:
1. It is totally bright and fun! 2. It's could make this dress with leftover scraps from any project, or hang onto clothes that get stained and cut them up into squares to create your own "fabric". 3. This dress is almost all rectangles, so you don't have to have a pattern. 4. It matches her birthday quilt...what little girl won't love that?

Here's a quick close up of the bow knot, can you tell I just love it??

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