Monday, March 11, 2013

Crochet: Amigurumi Characters

Its Never TOO Early

It seems to me that I am always trying to find a great, budget friendly gift for the kiddos for the holidays, but as the end of the year comes around it can sometimes be too late to start a project! Last year I made a goal to learn to crochet and so in January I started working on it. I started with some baby blankets which I gave away at baby showers and then I was on a search for a new project that I could make for my children.

That's when I discovered these little amigurumi characters! I thought these would be the perfect stuffers for stockings the coming Christmas. When looking around for patterns I found many books and ideas but I felt like many of the patterns out there were kind of funny looking creatures. I wanted something more traditional that could easily become a child's "friend". I purchased this book called Amigurumi by Lan-Anh Bui and Josephine Wan. I loved this book, it had so many great projects and the patterns were easy to follow! These are just three of the examples of the ones I have made. (Maybe if Brittany feels energetic enough she can post pictures of the ones I made for her kids)

Some things I did to save a little money were: 1-start early, you will have more time to find yarn at a good price and if you have some mess ups you wont feel too much pressure the get it done! 2- Use craft store coupons for all your products! I used coupons for the book itself as well as yarn, stuffing, toy eyes, etc. (That's also another benefit of starting early, you will have the time to collect coupons for all the things you need along the way!)
If you have any questions please feel free to ask, Ill try and answer whatever I can. Otherwise good luck with your homemade gifts!


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